Friday, 31 July 2020

The Ancient wall was made out of rocks and dirt. It is more than 2000 years old and they were scered  of the mongols so  then they built the Anaient Wall.It is the longest structure.They have protection from the anaient wallnand the soliders are in each big building so when the enemies come they have protetion to help there place and contry.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Sydney opera house.

The Sydney Opera House has a roof made out of ceramic tiles and it is shaped like sails. Inside the Sydney Opera House it is massive and over there they do concerts and events.When you go there you can eat and the tour guy will show you all around.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Batman spech marks

The plane lifted off into the clouds."Hey, are you up for another top secret super hero mission to defeat the Joker".Said Batman ,as the plane zoomed away."Oh i'm down to top that clown". Said Robin while peering round the chair."But I don't want to make my other dad -Bruce Wayne angry"."Do you think we'll be done before my bed time "? asked Robin."Bed time "! Screamed Batman angrily."Batman's life lesson number 2"."Vigilantes don't have bed times". Said Batman , leaning back."Yes". Exclaimed Robin happily ."So -whats the vigilantes policy on cookies"? He asked  hopefully  ..."Unlimited"!